Bushcraft & Natural History Courses
These tracking programmes combine three days of workshop training followed immediately by a CyberTracker evaluation. we offer separately both track and sign and trailing programmes
A wildlife track and sign identification intensive programme which also covers identification of mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians through field marks and vocalisations. This programme leads to a Customised Qualification accredited by the NCFE
The International Standard For Wildlife Tracking. The evaluations are a transparent, balanced and accurate assessment of a tracker’s ability in both track and sign identification and trailing or following the animals.
Shorter Track & Sign and Trailing workshops from one to three days. These cover both general concepts and also can be tailored to specific groups of animals and subjects areas.
This is a 10 day intensive programme (spread over 4 months) covering the science and art of following and more importantly, finding animals using their tracks as a guide. We fully expect to catch up with the animals we are following!
Exploring the world of plants, trees and fungi and a myriad of uses across a wide range of different habitats and seasons. This programme leads to a Customised Qualification accredited by the NCFE.
Taking an Ethnobotanical look at a selected range of plants and trees specifically for food, medicine and uses for bushcraft. This programme is a Customised Qualification accredited by the NCFE.
Exploring the heritage, construction and rationale of wooden bows found across northern Europe. This programme leads to a Customised Qualification accredited by the NCFE.
The construction of the Traditional English Longbow from a simple stave of wood to a fully functioning weapon. These bows are based on the great bows of the 100 years wars but tailored to suit the individual.
A three day workshop covering all aspects of arrow making from prehistory to the present day
A chance to make an authentic English Warbow, the weapon that shapes so much of UK and European history
A programme aimed at outdoor professionals seeking accredited professional development This programme leads to a Customised Qualification accredited by the NCFE.
A busy course covering a wide range of techniques and essential skills of bushcraft. For many it is an introduction, but offers something of value for all levels. This programme leads to a Customised Qualification accredited by the NCFE.
Leading directly from our Advanced Bushcraft Award this course covers a wide array of new skills while at the same time taking the advanced award principles to deeper level. This programme leads to a Customised Qualification accredited by the NCFE.