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Tracking in the Bialowieza Forest

Tracking And Wildlife Experiences In Poland

We have teamed up with Mila Sauders of the Tracking School to offer tracking and wildlife experiences in the Polish Forests. We are currently offering experiences in both track and sign and trailing in  Borecka and Bialowieza forest. Details of these trips can be found below.,

Tracking in the Bialowieza Primeval Forest, Poland,
April 2024

We will be tracking in one of the last remaining parts of the immense primeval forest that once stretched across the European Plain. The forest is home to European Bison, Europe’s heaviest land animal and is rich in plant and animal communities, with a long list of species, including, wolf, lynx, red squirrel, red deer, moose, sea eagle, lesser spotted eagle, martens, wild boar, black woodpecker, pygmy owl, crane, black stork, otter, racoon dog, muskrat, and beaver. And, you might not see any of them … but then again you might! You are definitely going to see tracks and signs and be able to gain a sense of the presence and evidence of animals some of which cannot be found in the UK, and it will be a chance to see and learn to recognise their tracks and signs, and have insight into their daily lives.

Course content

The course focus is on learning to recognise the tracks and signs of the wildlife to be found in the region. You will study track morphology, tracks, gait, droppings, and all the other clues that animals leave behind to alert us of their passing. We will also devote some time to learning how to follow animal trails. The course will be led by John Rhyder and Mila Saunders supported by local guides and naturalists, the forest excursions will be on foot but we will be using vehicles to access the best locations to find the most abundant sign and hopefully spot some of Poland’s elusive mammals.

The programme is designed to be educational, and we really hope you leave Poland with an appreciation of the art and science of both tracking and trailing.  Most of the information and teaching will take place out in the forest but we may also spend some time more formally explaining principles to maximise the value of time spent with the wildlife in their forest. The Polish wilds are remarkable places to find and follow tracks. To see wildlife it is best to be out and about fairly early in the morning, so for some of the days we may well leave before breakfast for a couple of hours and then come back to eat and have a fairly long mid-morning break.

There will be trip to “the heart” of Bialowieza Primeval Forest, where no human hand has intervened for 100 years. You will be able to see how animals steward the land without “help” of human animal. UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere Programme designated the Polish Biosphere Reserve Białowieża in 1976.

The course culminates in a two day track and sign evaluation, as far as we know- the first one in Poland. The participants will have a chance to apply their knowledge and maybe leave with tracker certification. It is a great and very effective way of learning. More about certification here.

Accommodation and food:

We will stay in a guest house, mainly in two person rooms. There is limited availability of single rooms for additional cost that will be allocated on the basis of need and the order of request. Breakfasts, dinners, and packed lunches are provided.

Getting there:

Pick up and drop off from Warsaw can be arranged without additional costs. We will have to choose one time convenient to all travellers, as we will have a limited number of vehicles.  Travel days: 13th and 20th of April. More info after booking.


13- 20 April 2024

EARLY BIRD PRICE:  £ 1390 per person when booked before 31.12.2023

REGULAR PRICE :  £ 1550 if booked after 31.12.2023

Price includes food (breakfast, packed lunch, dinner) and accommodation in two and three person rooms. Additional £150 single room supplement (limited availability). Flight and travel costs prior to arriving in Poland are not included in the price.

Course is limited to 10 participants, and will not run with less than eight people.

How to book:

To book a place £350 non-returnable deposit is required.

Booking is via The Tracking School website.